niedziela, 14 grudnia 2014

Beyond excited

 Christmas is upon us and... okay who am I kidding. Only ten freaking days left and I am beyond excited!!! Everything in my room just screams CHRISTMAS and I've been playing holiday songs non-stop since like three moths ago? Yeah I'm THIS person who is waaaaayyy too excited for chribesttimeoftheyearstmas but what can one do about that!? Today I celebrated the amazing month of ginger flavoured goodies with the bae! We exchanged diy gifts. I made some cookies, cat-ear-hairband-thingy and hot oreo cocoa (i know i am the best no need to tell me... actually feel free to tell me lmao). My dearest friend gave me a cute as hell box with whoever knows how many positive quotes. One for each moment of a breakdown probably school related haha And on this funny (not really) note I'm going to end today's post and since I'm awful at blogging MERRY CHRISTMAS because probably next time I'll write something will be in February hah
Byeeeee!!! x

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